Results for 'Chiara T. Ricciardone'

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  1.  23
    The Embodied Soul in Plato's Later Thought by Chad Jorgensen. [REVIEW]Chiara T. Ricciardone - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (2):340-341.
    Binaries are bad: false, distorting, hierarchical—or worse. This postmodern axiom has been widely accepted in scholarship and culture, and Plato is frequently blamed for promulgating some of the most enduring binaries of thought: being and becoming, truth and illusion, and, not least, body and soul. In this book, Chad Jorgensen argues for a more integrated picture of body and soul in Plato's later dialogues than Neoplatonism has left us, especially via the doctrine of separation as seen in Phaedo. Focusing especially (...)
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  2.  34
    What Is the Meaning of Socrates' Last Words?C. T. Ricciardone - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (2):267-293.
  3. "We Are the Disease": Truth, Health, and Politics from Plato's Gorgias to Foucault.C. T. Ricciardone - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):287-310.
    Starting from the importance of the figure of the parrhesiastes—the political and therapeutic truth-teller—for Foucault’s understanding of the care of the self, this paper traces the political figuration of the analogy between philosophers and physicians on the one hand, and rhetors and disease on the other in Plato’s Gorgias. I show how rhetoric, in the form of ventriloquism, infects the text itself, and then ask how we account for the effect of the “contaminated” philosophical dialogue on our readerly health. Is (...)
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    The Relationship between Binge Eating Disorder and Suicidality: A Systematic Review.Chiara Conti, Roberta Lanzara, Mattia Scipioni, Marzia Iasenza, Maria T. Guagnano & Mario Fulcheri - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  5. Non-state justice institutions and the law : decision-making at the interface of tradition, religion and the state.Chiara Correndo, M. Kötter, T. J. Röder, G. Folke Schuppert & R. Wolfrum - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone (ed.), Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Optimism and well-being: a prospective multi-method and multi-dimensional examination of optimism as a resilience factor following the occurrence of stressful life events.Evan M. Kleiman, Alexandra M. Chiara, Richard T. Liu, Shari G. Jager-Hyman, Jimmy Y. Choi & Lauren B. Alloy - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  7. Hierarchie und Ritual: zur philosophischen Spiritualität in der Spätantike.Chiara O. Tommasi, Gabriela Soares Santoprete & Helmut Seng (eds.) - 2018 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Zu den Charakteristika philosophischer Spiritualität in der Spätantike gehört das besondere Interesse sowohl für Hierarchien als auch für Rituale. Dazu zählen einerseits sich stetig vervielfachende Stufen einer metaphysischen Ontologie, die zugleich als Hierarchie göttlicher oder auch dämonischer Wesen gefasst wird, andererseits nicht nur die Diskussion über Kultpraktiken, sondern auch deren intensivierte Ausübung. Vorstellungen eines stufenweisen Ab- und Aufstiegs der Seele sowie der Begegnung mit den unterschiedlichen Klassen höherer Wesen im Rahmen theurgischer Rituale verbinden diese beiden Aspekte; so kann sich schliesslich (...)
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    Medium- and high-spin band structure of the chiral-candidate nucleus Pr-134.J. Timar, K. Starosta, I. Kuti, D. Sohler, D. B. Fossan, T. Koike, E. S. Paul, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, M. Descovich, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, C. J. Chiara, R. Wadsworth, A. A. Hecht, D. Almehed, S. Frauendorf & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    Medium- and high-spin states of Pr-134 were populated using the Cd-116(Na-23, 5n) reaction and studied with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer. Several new bands have been found in this nucleus, one of them being linked to the previously observed chiral-candidate twin-band structure. The ground state of Pr-134 could be determined through establishing a level structure that connects the two previously known long-lived isomeric states. Unambiguous spin-parity assignments for the excited states could be performed based on the known 2(-) spin-parity of the ground (...)
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    High-spin yrast states in the gamma-soft nuclei Pr-135 and Ce-134.E. S. Paul, C. Fox, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, C. J. Chiara, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, M. Descovich, P. Fallon, D. B. Fossan, A. A. Hecht, T. Koike, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, P. J. Nolan, K. Starosta, R. Wadsworth, I. Ragnarsson & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    High-spin states have been studied in Pr-135(59), populated through the Cd-116(Na-23,4n) reaction at 115 MeV, using the Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer. The negative-parity yrast band has been significantly extended to spin similar to 45 (h) over bar and excitation energy 21.5 MeV, showing evidence for several rotational alignments. The positive-parity yrast band of Ce-135(58), populated through the p4n channel of this reaction, was also populated to spin similar to 38 (h) over bar and excitation energy 18 MeV. Cranking calculations indicate that (...)
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  10.  26
    The science of can and can't: a physicist's journey through the land of counterfactuals.Chiara Marletto - 2021 - New York: Viking Press.
    There is a vast class of things that science has so far almost entirely neglected. They are central to the understanding of physical reality both at an everyday level and at the level of the most fundamental phenomena in physics, yet have traditionally been assumed to be impossible to incorporate into fundamental scientific explanations. They are facts not about what is--the actual--but about what could be: counterfactuals. According to physicist Chiara Marletto, laws about things being possible or impossible may (...)
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  11.  24
    La matematica è politica.Chiara Valerio - 2020 - Torino: Einaudi.
    Mathematics reinterpreted as political practice and not just as theory constitutes an extraordinary exercise in democracy: like democracy, it is based on a system of rules, creates groups, and works on relationships. Like democracy, mathematics widens but doesn't nullify things. By studying mathematics one can understand many things about truth. For instance, the fact that truths are shared and therefore the principles of authority do not exist; the fact that all truths are absolute but transient because they depend on the (...)
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  12. Dissociation and Presupposition in Discourse: A Corpus Study. [REVIEW]Chiara Degano - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (4):361-378.
    This paper aims at combining different theoretical and methodological approaches for the analysis of discourse, focusing in particular on argumentative structures. At a first level an attempt is made to include argumentation in critical discourse analysis in order to extend the analysis of interaction between “structures of discourse” and “structures of ideologies” (T. A. van Dijk, R. Wodak and M. Meyer (eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Sage, London, 1995) to higher levels of language description. At a second level the (...)
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  13.  85
    The Sources of Political Normativity: the Case for Instrumental and Epistemic Normativity in Political Realism.Carlo Burelli & Chiara Destri - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (3):397-413.
    This article argues that political realists have at least two strategies to provide distinctively political normative judgements that have nothing to do with morality. The first ground is instrumental normativity, which states that if we believe that something is a necessary means to a goal we have, we have a reason to do it. In politics, certain means are required by any ends we may intend to pursue. The second ground is epistemic normativity, stating that if something is true, this (...)
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  14.  15
    L'institution instable: parcours critiques à partir de Jean-Paul Sartre.Chiara Collamati & Hervé Oulc'hen (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    "Y a-t-il une intelligibilité spécifique du problème de l'institution chez Sartre? La question est rarement posée car, trop souvent, on la considère comme d'emblée réglée: Sartre n'aurait pas été capable d'envisager la dimension institutionnelle autrement que sous une forme négative, celle de la pétrification et de la bureaucratisation de l'action insurrectionnelle d'un groupe. Fruit d'un travail collectif, cet ouvrage explore différentes déclinaisons de la notion d'institution dans la réflexion sartrienne des années 1950 et 1960, en montrant son importance pour articuler (...)
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  15.  11
    Leben in lebendigen Fragen: Zwischen Kontinuität und Pluralität.Chiara Pasqualin, Anne Kirstine Rönhede, Sihan Wu & Franziska Neufeld (eds.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Was ist Leben? Im vorliegenden Sammelband wird der Akzent von dieser allgemeinen Frage nach dem Was auf die grundlegende nach dem Wie, nach der Entfaltung des menschlichen Lebens, verschoben. Dabei wird das Leben in seiner Bewegung verfolgt: als Leben, das auf Widerstand stößt, stetig transzendiert, sich als zeitlich erfährt und in Welt und Praxis verwirklicht. Der Band versammelt begriffsgeschichtliche Aufsätze, philosophisch-phänomenologische Untersuchungen (im Zwiegespräch u. a. mit Husserl, Heidegger und Scheler) sowie an der konkreten Praxis (wie der Demenzforschung und Schulbildung) (...)
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  16.  43
    Review of embodiment, enaction, and culture. Investigating the constitution of the shared world, by C. Durt, T. Fuchs, C. Tewes : MIT Press, 2017, pp. 456, ISBN-10: 0262035553, ISBN-13: 978–0262035552. [REVIEW]Maria Chiara Bruttomesso - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):993-998.
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    Transformative Learning: Evolutions of the adult learning theory.Chiara Biasin - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (3):5-17.
    Cet article propose d’étudier l’apprentissage transformateur en tant que théorie dominante dans le champ de l’éducation des adultes. Il vise à étudier, d’une façon critique, cette théorie, devenue de plus en plus indépendante de son auteur. Le but de l’article est d’examiner les évolutions de ce construit et son expansion dans le champ de la formation des adultes. L’hypothèse est que la diffusion massive du construit d’apprentissage transformateur est due à la possibilité de le convoquer dans différents contextes et situations. (...)
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    The Italian telephone-based Verbal Fluency Battery (t-VFB): standardization and preliminary clinical usability evidence.Edoardo Nicolò Aiello, Alice Naomi Preti, Veronica Pucci, Lorenzo Diana, Alessia Corvaglia, Chiara Barattieri di San Pietro, Teresa Difonzo, Stefano Zago, Ildebrando Appollonio, Sara Mondini & Nadia Bolognini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThis study aimed at standardizing and providing preliminary evidence on the clinical usability of the Italian telephone-based Verbal Fluency Battery, which includes phonemic, semantic and alternate verbal fluency tasks.MethodsThree-hundred and thirty-five Italian healthy participants and 27 individuals with neurodegenerative or cerebrovascular diseases were administered the t-VFB. Switch number and cluster size were computed via latent semantic analyses. HPs underwent the telephone-based Mental State Examination and Backward Digit Span. Construct validity, factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest and inter-rater reliability and equivalence with (...)
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    Chronically ill Patients, Life Incidents and Reactive Strategies: A Qualitative Study among Patients Suffering from four Types of Diseases, Followed-up in the North-Eastern of Italy.Natascia Bobbo, Chiara Bottaro & Estella Musacchio - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (64):45-58.
    Living with a chronic condition represents a strenuous experience that often could be lived as a sequence of waiting and crisis times. Therapeutic path incidents could represent however a catalysts and revelatory time, useful to patients to discover their own resources. A qualitative study according to the phenomenological hermeneutic perspective was conducted to understand the kind of skills expressed by the patients during a difficult episode, and the characteristics that identify patients who can overcome them better. From September 2019 to (...)
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  20.  11
    Dynamis of the image. Moving Images in a Global World.Emmanuel Alloa & Chiara Cappelletto (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    Images are not neutral conveyors of messages shipped around the globe to achieve globalized spectatorship. They are powerful forces that elicit very diverse responses and can resist new visual hegemonies of our global world. Bringing together case studies from the field of media, art, politics, religion, anthropology and science, this volume breaks new ground by reflecting on the very power of images beyond their medial exploitation. The contributions by Hans Belting, Susan Buck-Morss, Georges Didi-Huberman, W.J.T. Mitchell, and Ticio Escobar among (...)
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  21. The prospects of for-profit Open Access in philosophy of science journals | A report. [REVIEW]Sophia Crüwell, Chiara Lisciandra & David Teira - manuscript
    Publishers are signing transformative agreements with different research institutions and funding bodies across the world. These agreements establish that the institution or funder makes a block payment in exchange for an annual quota of OA papers allowing their affiliated authors to publish OA in an agreed list of journals, at no extra cost to the individual author. This is a step towards the transformation of these journals into a Gold (commercial) Open Access regime. -/- In January 2023, the members of (...)
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  22.  12
    Coping With Adolescents Affected by Anorexia Nervosa: The Role of Parental Personality Traits.Alessio Maria Monteleone, Alberta Mereu, Giammarco Cascino, Maria Chiara Castiglioni, Chiara Marchetto, Melissa Grasso, Maria Pontillo, Tiziana Pisano, Stefano Vicari & Valeria Zanna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionAnorexia nervosa promotes psychological distress in caregivers who adopt different coping strategies. Dysfunctional caregiving styles exacerbate further distress in the patient promoting the maintenance of the illness. We aimed to assess the possible contribution of personality traits of caregivers to the adoption of different coping strategies to deal with the affected relative.MethodsAbout 87 adolescents with AN were recruited. Their parents completed the Family Coping Questionnaire for Eating Disorders and the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised. Differences between mothers and fathers were assessed (...)
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    Stimmen der Götter: Orakel und ihre Rezeption von der Spätantike bis in die Frühe Neuzeit.Lucia Maddalena Tissi, Helmut Seng & Chiara O. Tommasi (eds.) - 2019 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Orakel sind in der antiken Religiosität weit verbreitet; auch in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike haben sie ihre Faszination nicht verloren. Das zeigt sich etwa in Orakelsammlungen wie den 'Chaldaeischen Orakeln', der 'Orakelphilosophie' des Porphyrios und der 'Tübinger Theosophie' oder aber in der Diskussion über ihren Inhalt und sogar ihren Gebrauch in rituellem Zusammenhang. Daneben sind Orakel in narrativen Gattungen wie Geschichtsschreibung und Roman präsent, auch noch in byzantinischer Zeit. Die Frühe Neuzeit greift vor allem auf theologische Orakel zurück, aber auch auf (...)
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  24.  53
    Vitalism and the scientific image, 1800-2010.Sebastian Normandin & Charles T. Wolfe (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
    TOC -/- 0. Introduction (SN/CW) -/- I. Revisiting vitalist themes in 19th-century science -/- 1. Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute) – Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the Place of Irritability 2. in the History of Life and Death 3. Joan Steigerwald (York) – Rethinking Organic Vitality in Germany at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century 4. Juan Rigoli (Geneva) –The “Novel of Medicine” 5. Sean Dyde (Cambridge) – Life and the Mind in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Somaticism in the Wake of Phrenology. -/- II. Twentieth (...)
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  25. Commentary on: Chiara Pollaroli's "T(r)opical patterns in advertising".Gilbert Plumer - 2013 - In M. Lewiński D. Mohammed (ed.), Virtues of Argumentation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation [CD-ROM]. Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, and the University of Windsor. pp. 1-5.
  26.  11
    Chiara: A Journey Into Light.Elisabeth Zahnd Legnazzi - 2009 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
    This is an artist's book on illness and dying. Elisabeth Zahnd, artist and photographer, had to experience and bear the fatal illness and death of her child, who was diagnosed of an incurable brain tumour at the age of five. Zahnd soon started not only t.
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  27.  20
    Gift and Self-Giving in the Relationship of Communion.Simonetta Magari - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):165-176.
    Psychology doesn’t seem to be really interested in the theme of gift; in the last decades it focus on the central role of recognition in the psyche building up. The authors underline Chiara Lubich’s original intuition linking profoundly the them of gift and recognition.
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    Журнал «Эпистемология и философия науки» Контуры замысла.И. T. Касавин - 2004 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 1 (1):5-14.
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  29.  15
    The Paradigm of Unity in Prenatal Education and Pedagogy.Dorota Kornas-Biela - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):193-206.
    The traditional approach to the relation between parents and their prenatal child presents the child as a fetus, a mainly passive recipient of the mother’s vital biological resources. Contemporary prenatal psychology and pedagogy recognizes this relationship in a quite different perspective: the prenatal child is a member of the family and may be seen as an active member of the wider family as a community, extended to grandparents and other relatives. Between parents and their child in the womb exists a (...)
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  30. It Seems Like There Aren’t Any Seemings.T. Ryan Byerly - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (4):771-782.
    Abstract I argue that the two primary motivations in the literature for positing seemings as sui generis mental states are insufficient to motivate this view. Because of this, epistemological views which attempt to put seemings to work don’t go far enough. It would be better to do the same work by appealing to what makes seeming talk true rather than simply appealing to seeming talk. Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-12 DOI 10.1007/s11406-012-9363-8 Authors T. Ryan Byerly, Department of Philosophy, Baylor (...)
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  31. The T-schema is not a logical truth.R. T. Cook - 2012 - Analysis 72 (2):231-239.
    It is shown that the logical truth of instances of the T-schema is incompatible with the formal nature of logical truth. In particular, since the formality of logical truth entails that the set of logical truths is closed under substitution, the logical truth of T-schema instances entails that all sentences are logical truths.
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  32. Fine Motor Skills Predict Maths Ability Better than They Predict Reading Ability in the Early Primary School Years.Nicola J. Pitchford, Chiara Papini, Laura A. Outhwaite & Anthea Gulliford - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33.  87
    Locating Consciousness: Why Experience Can't Be Objectified.T. W. Clark - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (11-12):60-85.
    The world appears to conscious creatures in terms of experienced sensory qualities, but science doesn't find sensory experience in that world, only physical objects and properties. I argue that the failure to locate consciousness in the world is a function of our necessarily representational relation to reality as knowers: we won't discover the terms in which reality is represented by us in the world as it appears in those terms. Qualia -- arguably a type of representational content -- will therefore (...)
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  34. Tertiumne datur? Possessive pronouns and the bipartition of the lexicon.T. E. Zimmerman - 2004 - In Hans Kamp & Barbara Hall Partee (eds.), Context-dependence in the analysis of linguistic meaning. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 319--332.
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  35. (1 other version)Critical Notice: Catholicism and Liberalism by R. Bruce Douglass and David Hollenbach.T. Zenzinger - 2000 - Auslegung 23 (1):115-128.
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  36. Spatial-learning in the pigeon-an operant analog of the radial-arm Maze.T. R. Zentall, J. N. Steirn & P. Jacksonsmith - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):341-341.
  37.  34
    An Emendation in Isocrates.T. L. Zinn - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (02):74-75.
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  38. Relational selves, personal autonomy and oppression.T. L. Zutlevics - 2002 - Philosophia 29 (1-4):423-436.
  39.  48
    The Neo-Gouldian Argument for Evolutionary Contingency: Mass Extinctions.T. Y. William Wong - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (4):1093-1124.
    The Gouldian argument for evolutionary contingency found in Wonderful Life can be dissected into three premises: palaeontological, macro-evolutionary, and developmental. Discussions of evolutionary contingency have revolved primarily around the developmental. However, a shift in methodological practice and new palaeontological evidence subsequent to the book’s publication appears to threaten the palaeontological premise that asserts high Cambrian disparity, or, roughly, that morphological differences between the Cambrian species were high. This presents a prima facie problem: Did the Cambrian consist of enough anatomical variety (...)
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  40. Egalité démocratique et tirage au sort.Annabelle Lever & Chiara Destri - forthcoming - Raison Publique.
    La théorie démocratique contemporaine entretient une relation ambivalente avec les élections. Alors que les points de vue agrégatifs et minimalistes les considèrent comme une institution centrale de la démocratie représentative , les conceptions plus riches de la démocratie n’ont pas nécessairement de penchant pour elles. Les théories délibératives ont tendance à négliger les élections pour se concentrer sur la délibération publique, c’est-à-dire sur le processus continu de formation de l’opinion et d’échange de raisons qui se produit entre les élections . (...)
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  41. The Proactive Synergy Between Action Observation and Execution in the Acquisition of New Motor Skills.Maria Chiara Bazzini, Arturo Nuara, Emilia Scalona, Doriana De Marco, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Pietro Avanzini & Maddalena Fabbri-Destro - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:793849.
    Motor learning can be defined as a process that leads to relatively permanent changes in motor behavior through repeated interactions with the environment. Different strategies can be adopted to achieve motor learning: movements can be overtly practiced leading to an amelioration of motor performance; alternatively, covert strategies (e.g., action observation) can promote neuroplastic changes in the motor system even in the absence of real movement execution. However, whether a training regularly alternating action observation and execution (i.e., Action Observation Training, AOT) (...)
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  42. Dirāsāt fī al-falsafah wa-fī al-fikr al-Islāmī.ʻAmmār Ṭālibī - 2005 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī.
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    Neural Correlates of Outcome of the Psychotherapy Compared to Antidepressant Therapy in Anxiety and Depression Disorders: A Meta-Analysis.Navkiran Kalsi, Daniela Altavilla, Renata Tambelli, Paola Aceto, Cristina Trentini, Chiara Di Giorgio & Carlo Lai - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  44.  42
    Shaping pseudoneglect with transcranial cerebellar direct current stimulation and music listening.Silvia Picazio, Chiara Granata, Carlo Caltagirone, Laura Petrosini & Massimiliano Oliveri - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  45. Ḥaqq al-ṭarīq fī al-Islām.Ṭāhā ʻAbd Allāh ʻAfifī - 1979 - [Cairo: [S.N.].
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  46.  12
    Mafhūm al-suluk al-khuluqī: min wijhatay naẓar al-Imām Abī Ḥāmid al-Ghazzālī wa-baʻḍ al-ittijāhāt al-nafsīyah al-gharbīyah al-ḥadīthah.ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ʻAṭṭās - 2004 - Makkah: al-Mamlakah al-ʻArabīyah al-Saʻūdīyah, Wizārat al-Taʻlīm al-ʻĀlī, Jāmiʻat Umm al-Qurá, Maʻhad al-Buḥūth al-ʻIlmīyah, Markaz Buḥūth al-Tarbawīyah wa-al-Nafsīyah.
    Ghazzālī, 1058-1111; views on behaviorism ; religious aspects; Islam.
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    Chosŏn ŭi syup'ŏ sŭt'a T'ojŏng Yi Chi-ham: panmannyŏn yŏksa, ch'oego ŭi kyŏngsega T'ojŏng ŭi sam kwa sasang.T'ae-bok Yi - 2011 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Tongnyŏk.
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  48. Korespondencja S. i M. Ossowskich.T. D. Woyciechowska - 2001 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3-4).
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    Horace Again Rewritten.T. E. Wright - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (01):75-.
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    (1 other version)First-person authority and singular thoughts.T. Wyler - 1994 - Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie Forschung 48 (4):585-94.
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